HDPE ( High-Density Polyethylene) has become a commonly used plastic made from a petroleum base. Most people know this material by its simpler term: poly. Industries across the world have really begun to explore the benefits of this material. Here’s how have companies been utilizing this revolutionary poly plastic.
Poly is a long-lasting material that’s durable and resistant to natural elements and a variety of chemicals. Often, any color in poly will experience little fading because it is mixed into the plastic. There are different levels of High-Density Polyethylene. Most of them are always guaranteed to be durable and safe, especially food-quality poly plastics approved by the FDA, NSF, and USDA. In the furniture industry, poly is revered for being rust-free, heat and UV-resistant, rot-resistant, and corrosion-resistant.
Recycling is the main part of each step in creating poly. Most of what makes up poly lumber is plastic waste from bottles and bags. This keeps waste out of the oceans and landfills and reduces future plastic manufacturing. When poly lumber is cut to make poly outdoor furniture, the next batch may be made from re-melted scraps.
Because of its strength and integrated pigment, high-density polyethylene is easy to maintain. Repainting decorative items is not necessary, and it is able to withstand many common sanitation methods. If you need to clean your poly item, you can use anything from dish soap and a rag to boiling water. (In extreme cases, a pressure washer is an acceptable option, too.) All in all, you won’t likely have to fret when trying out any of the poly-cleaning methods found online.
It’s not hard to see why many companies have begun using these recycled plastics as a means to create their products. High-Density Polyethylene is long-lasting, durable, eco-friendly, cost-effective, and easy to maintain. If you keep your eyes peeled, you might see more products hit the markets as this material is being tested and popularized.
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